Saturday, January 30, 2010

Set of the Week

Back to Basics

200 swim, 200 kick, 200 drill freestyle

6x25 kick on front, arms at side, head in a neutral position (work on proper body position)
6x25 kick on right side (head looking down, arms at side, belly button towards the wall)
6x25 kick on left side (head looking down, arms at side, belly button towards the wall)
6x50 kick (25 on right 25 on left, head looking down, bottom arm in front, belly button towards the wall)
6x100 (25 right side kick, 25 left side kick, 50 12 kick switch)
6x100 (25 12 kick switch, 25 8 kick switch, 25 6 kick switch, 25 swim)

200 swim (concentrating on rotation and proper body alignment)

6x25 kick on back, arms at side, head in a neutral position (work on proper body position)
6x25 kick on right side (head looking up, arms at side, belly button towards the wall)
6x25 kick on left side (head looking up, arms at side, belly button towards the wall)
6x50 kick (25 on right 25 on left, head looking up, bottom arm in front, belly button towards the wall)
6x100 backstroke (25 right side kick, 25 left side kick, 50 12 kick switch)
6x100 backstroke (25 12 kick switch, 25 8 kick switch, 25 6 kick switch, 25 swim)

200 backstroke (concentrating on rotation and proper body alignment)

200 cool down

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Set of the Week

Warm Up:

200 Swim, 200 Kick, 2oo Drill

Set 1:

10x25 arms at side breaststroke kick (concentrating on rocking body motion = breathe every kick)
10x25 breaststroke pull with pull buoy (concentrating on pushing forward with the hips when breathing)
10x50 (25 breaststroke drill 1 pull/2 kick, 25 breaststroke)
10x100 breaststroke (1-3 on the 2:00, 4-6 on the 1:50, 7-9 on the 1:40, 10 on the 1:30)

200 easy

Set 2:

6x200 kick with board (fly, breast, free)

6x100 stroke with board (1-3 on the 2:00, 4-6 on the 1:50)

300 cool down

Monday, January 11, 2010

Set of the Week

Having drooled over swim sets posted by other bloggers, I've decided it's time to post my own so here commences the first "Set of the Week" post. This set is a general work out and does not target a specific stroke. It is a great starting point for those former swimmers looking to dive back in. Take it easy and find times that work for you. The next time you try it, cut 5 seconds off from each set.

6x100 (25 swim, 25 kick, 25 drill, 25 swim - free, fly, free, breast, free, back - 15 seconds rest)
8x75 kick (25 kick on right side, 25 on back, 25 on left side - i.m. order - 15 seconds rest)
9x100 (1st easy, 2nd medium, 3rd fast - repeat and drop 5 seconds each set of three, i.e. 3 on the 1:45, 3 on the 1:40, 3 on the 1:35)
100 easy
4x200 kick with board (1, 3 = free and 2,4 = choice - 10 seconds rest)
10x50 (negative split - 2 on the 1:00, 2 on the :55, 2 on the :50, 2 on the :45, 2 on the :40)
300 cool down

Sunday, January 10, 2010

For Those With Injuries

I realize that this blog posting is an advertisement for the Blue World Pool, but it reminded me of the astounding benefits of swimming when injured. The blogger writes, "when a friend of mine injured his ankle during a workout he was asked to restrict his physical exercises by his physician. A complete outdoor person, he found it difficult to go through his day without his daily routine of workouts. It was during this time that he discovered the multiple benefits of swimming as it was a safe form of physical exertion even with an injured ankle".

For those with back injuries, swimming offers relief from the constant compounding caused on the spine by gravity. When I was younger and suffering from scoliosis, my doctor recommended swimming as the perfect relief for my back pain. My best friend suffered from her own injury at that time, having damaged her knee during an unintended slide tackle while playing soccer. Again, the prescription for the sports-minded individual was the pool. Swimming puts less pressure on the joints than other sports but still provides a full body work out.