Monday, January 11, 2010

Set of the Week

Having drooled over swim sets posted by other bloggers, I've decided it's time to post my own so here commences the first "Set of the Week" post. This set is a general work out and does not target a specific stroke. It is a great starting point for those former swimmers looking to dive back in. Take it easy and find times that work for you. The next time you try it, cut 5 seconds off from each set.

6x100 (25 swim, 25 kick, 25 drill, 25 swim - free, fly, free, breast, free, back - 15 seconds rest)
8x75 kick (25 kick on right side, 25 on back, 25 on left side - i.m. order - 15 seconds rest)
9x100 (1st easy, 2nd medium, 3rd fast - repeat and drop 5 seconds each set of three, i.e. 3 on the 1:45, 3 on the 1:40, 3 on the 1:35)
100 easy
4x200 kick with board (1, 3 = free and 2,4 = choice - 10 seconds rest)
10x50 (negative split - 2 on the 1:00, 2 on the :55, 2 on the :50, 2 on the :45, 2 on the :40)
300 cool down

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